Foi Bonita a Festa

 The Bag of Night The Bag of Night The Bag of Night The Bag of Night


Janaína Wagner

State: Development and funding.
Experimental documentary
A co-production ANAVILHANA and Foi Bonita a Festa.

With the highest feminicide rate in Brazil, the tiny municipality of Barcelos exists bordering Rio Negro, lost amidst the idyllic landscape of Amazonas forest. The Bag of Night unveils the presence of ghost women and girls, dead women and girls, who continue to inhabit this piece of land.

The Bag of Night is a portrait of a hallucinating Brazil, where violence and dazzlement merge daily. On the border between the states of Amazonas and Roraima, the small town of Barcelos is awarded, year in and year out, the highest feminicide rate in Brazil. The documentary will experimentally portray the cases of feminicide in the municipality of Barcelos, in the Upper Rio Negro, inside the Amazonian jungle, made in partnership with the stories lived and told by the girls and teenagers who live in Barcelos, conjuring through their narratives and testimonies, formally, the ghosts of dead women.

The documentary proposes to give form through the cinematographic image to the interactions of the invisible with the visible that hover Barcelos, experimentally registering the both violent and sweet reality of this small concrete village built in the middle of the abundant, uncontrollable, and unavoidable jungle: a mirror for so many Brazilians affected by the inflammation of feminicide and its contours.

Barcelos can be seen as a bad example of what happens when the civilizing and predatory system of capitalism is introduced into a natural landscape, without care, or attention. The Bag of Night is a portrait of what the friction between nature with the a deranged "civilization." A collision of violences, the film is also as a kind of spell-film, open to the power that images possess as tools for experimental change.